WATCH: Family of boy awaiting heart transplant team up with Belfast Giants

A west Belfast boy with a rare heart condition has teamed up with the Belfast Giants to get fans talking about their wishes on Organ Donation Discussion Day.Little Dáithí was born with a rare heart defect – which required two surgeries when he was just days old. Five years later and Dáithí is still in need of a new heart.

While 90% of people in Northern Ireland support organ donation – only 50% have actually signed the register, according to the Public Health Agency.His dad Máirtín MacGabhann said: “Our son Dáithí has been on the transplant waiting list for the gift of a new heart for almost 1300 days, so when Dáithí was placed on the list we were told we would be waiting between a year and three years, we’re now over three years. READ MORE

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