Today marks 1300 days on the waiting list for the gift of life; a new heart. Dáithí was born a fighter and he continues to be a fighter every day in life. Our family are so grateful that he has remained stable for a lot of his journey as others aren’t as fortunate. We are also grateful to run a very positive campaign to raise awareness of #OrganDonation which creates hope for all those waiting on the gift of life, including Dáithí. Here’s hoping by the time Dáithí reaches 1400 days we’ll have confirmation that the law will be changing to soft opt-out organ donation, something that we have fought tirelessly for. This is a happy day for us. Although Dáithí is still waiting, we are just grateful to have him. Have a great day, folks. It only takes 2 minutes to join the NHS Organ Donation Register.

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